MySTEM Projects : Physical Computing

Measured outcomes:

  1. Overview of embedded systems

  2. Microcontrollers and embedded programming

  3. Physical computing: interaction of sensors/actuators with minicomputer / microcontroller

Project Ninja : Arduino Robotics

Target outcomes:

  1. Robot main structure, sensing, communication and actuation mechanism

  2. Robot programming – the specific function such as following lines and obstacle detection

  3. Implementation of control algorithm and techniques such as PID

MySTEM : Programming

Target outcomes:

  1. Programming Fundamentals Mastery - computer programming concepts: variables, data types, and control structures

  2. Project base

    • Game development (Python)

    • Hands on exploration on UMP STEM Bot / UMP STEM Cube

  3. Graphical /Block based programming – Scratch/mBlock

    • Syntax based – Python / C++

MySTEM : Robot Literacy

Measured outcomes:

  1. Explain Anatomy – Evaluate participants' ability to describe robot structure and concepts.

  2. Understand Components – Assess grasp of fundamental robotics components.

  3. Know Robot Types: Gauge familiarity with different robot types.

Target outcomes:

  1. Apply Skills: Help apply robotics knowledge practically.

  2. Problem-Solving: Encourage troubleshooting and innovation.

  3. Sustain Interest: Cultivate ongoing enthusiasm for exploring advanced robotics concepts.

Project Nature : 3D Modelling

Measured outcomes:

  1. Basic 3D modelling concepts - 3D geometry, lighting, and texture mapping.

  2. Work with geometric shapes and forms, including the ability to understand spatial relationships, proportions, and angles.

  3. Navigation through three-dimensional space, including the understanding of distance, depth, height, and direction.

  4. Object rotation and manipulation

MySTEM : Radio Foxhunting

Measured outcomes:

  1. Problem-Solving Skills

    • proficiency in designing and optimizing Yagi antennas to locate radio beacons

  2. Knowledge of Radio Principles

    • radio frequency principles - signal strength, propagation, and modulation

    • hands-on experiences using 1-way radio com

  3. Morse Code Proficiency

    • decode and utilize Morse code in the context of radio communication

Target outcomes:

  1. Critical Thinking in STEM

    • Radio frequency principles, antenna design

  2. Appreciation for Modern Radio Communication

    • By gaining insights into traditional radio methods.

Media & Information Literacy

Measured outcomes:

  1. Media Literacy

    • Evaluate media content critically, discerning reliability and biases, verifying the authenticity of information sources.

  2. Information Literacy

    • effective online search strategies to retrieve accurate information, apply proper citation methods when using information from various sources.

  3. Digital Communication Skills

    • effective communication and engagement

    • Ethical Online Behavior, Online Security

  4. Digital Storytelling

    • Utilize digital tools for effective storytelling and self-expression.